main index of all writing
articles on IT and computing

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general articles index

Apple Macintosh

- Iconoclast columns
  from Macworld (13 articles)
- Mac OS X: techprimer
- iMovie2: techprimer
- MS Office: techprimer


- Iconoclast columns
  (10 articles)
- Ministry of Microsoft?
- Gunning for Adobe

IT Education

- Learn computers in Rs 2,500.
- Teach Your Teachers
- Mushrooming IT schools

Indian IT

- Is Hindi Losing the Race?
- Ministry of Microsoft?
- How to Learn Computers

Web Publishing

- Mortals with Portals
- Burn all GIFs
- Ayurvedic GoLive: techprimer
- Sholay & Dreamweaver:
- techprimer

- Meghduut, a Flash-inspiring
- poem by Kalidas: techprimer

- A Day in the LiveMotion
- of Brahma: techprimer


- Paperless Paper: techprimer
- HT Litmus Test: Acrobat 5
- Adobe vs Microsoft on eBooks
- Just Ask for PDF
- Mera Jeevan Kora PDF
- Teach Your Teachers


- Photoshop: Third Eye of Shiva
- Mehndi and Illustrator
- A Day in the Livemotion
- of Brahma

- Ayurvedic Golive
- Desi Fundaa on InDesign
- Chameleon Karma
- Paperless Paper
- Just ask for PDF
- Mera Jeevan Kora PDF
- Teach Your Teachers
- Gunning for Adobe?
- HT Litmus Test: Acrobat
- eBooks iconoclast

Digital Photography

- Photokina
- Kodak Digital Camera


- CorelDraw Akbar's Ninth
- Jewel: techprimer

- Kartikeya the God of KPT:
- techprimer

- Mehndi and Illustrator:
- techprimer


- WebTV
- cellphones(motorola)
- cellphones(siemens)
- hybrid neural chip
- brain signals

19 June 2004 © niyam bhushan